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Susie Son


Hello! I'm Susie Son, an Android engineer. I'm currently based in Toronto, Canada 🍁

Some quick facts...

What drives me?

I thrive on the thrill of solving complex problems and overcoming challenges. During my undergraduate days at Waterloo, I loved diving into mathematical proofs. I felt motivated by digging deeper and getting lost in problems. In my work today, I find myself enjoying learning, teaching, and helping others succeed.

My core values are kindness, peace, and confidence, and I work every day to embody these principles. I believe that the key to a fulfilling life is wellness and self-improvement. I focus on my mental health and strive to be healthy and happy.

What I'm working on:

When I was in therapy for my social anxiety, I learned the technique of exposure sessions. By creating, logging, and practicing these exposure exercises, I built confidence over time. I had the idea of digitalizing this process through a mobile app called Anchor ⚓. I would be able to see all my past exposures and get insight on my progress. This project is close to my heart, and I hope others will find it helpful 💗

My life outside of code

When I'm not coding, you can usually find me doing one of these things:

Since you've read this far, here's a fun fact: I have perfect pitch! I've been playing the piano and the violin since I was 5. Music has always been a significant part of my life 🎵